tiistai 28. tammikuuta 2014

Day 1

Shopping - who doesn't love it !? We went for Oulu this day with my dearest friend and spent the most enjoyable 5 hours there. I didn't have a clear goal for what to buy, except a bra that would match my ball gown. I found them at H&M, and that's always the place for finding the perfect bra. I know, H&M might not be the most ethical place to find clothes and jewelry, but it's affordable (almost FREE), the clothes are good quality and most important - they look good!

I bought jewelry - of course! Almost everything there was 1€/piece. I can't find the pictures because they were on sale, but if you'd see them you'd like them. ;) We also were at Gina Tricot to find a peplum shirt, but it was quite expensive (15€) so I decided not to take it. I'm going to Germany 27.2. (my birthday gift from my boyfriend! ♥) so I'd rather find something less expensive there.

I wish you would (learn even to) like this blog, I'm not a person who writes everyday or even every week, but hey - it's the quality, not the quantity!

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